CESP LED team help one school to save money(2020)
Nowadays the cash budget is super limited for each facility , some companies have to lay off staff and reduce wage for survival . however,daily consumption is still here.
One learning centre in Dubai is always find energy solutions ‘With a lighting usage of 4,200 hours annually, CESP LED Team recommended the installation of led panel light 30w retrofits inside the facility. The updated equipment has reduced the per fixture wattage by an average of 42 watts, and has provided a total energy savings of 58% over their old equipment.
As a result, the students attending this learning center are now benefiting from a better, brighter environment, and facility owner is saving money each month through the reduction on energy consumption. In fact, over the next 5 years, more money in cumulative savings will be delivered as a direct result of this project.
If you are interested in CESP LED lighting solution for your facility, please send email to cespservice@gmail.com to get started.
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